The Board of Trustees is the academic advisory committee for the management of the collection. It is nominated by the Vice-President for Staff and Resources of the ETH Zürich after consultation with the academic board.


Prof. Dr. Philip Ursprung (Chairman)
Professor for History of Art and Architecture, Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture, ETH Zürich
Lionel Bovier
Director Musée d’art moderne et contemporain (MAMCO), Genève
Raffael Dörig
Director Kunsthaus Langenthal
Dr. Roger Fayet
Director of the Swiss Institute for Art Research, Zürich
Carole Haensler
Director Museo Villa dei Cedri, Bellinzona
Dr. Anita Haldemann
Head, Kupferstichkabinett (Department of Prints and Drawings), Kunstmuseum Basel
Prof. Dr. Michael Hampe
Professor for Philosophy, Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences, ETH Zürich
Markus Joachim
Information and Learning Environments, ETH Library, Zürich
Prof. Dr. Bärbel Küster
Professor for Modern and Contemporary Art, Institut of Art History, University of Zurich
Dr. Sonja Negovetic
Office of Research, ETH Zürich